Welcome to Miramar Women’s Center
We have been in continual practice for over 25 years
Some women may have never considered abortion as an alternative to an unplanned pregnancy but if you are considering abortion, take the time to educate yourself. Miramar Women’s Center wants to help you make the right choice. There are countless personal reasons women have abortions. We provide information and counseling that will help dispel misconceptions about abortions. We want you to be prepared to make an informed decision.
At Miramar Women’s Center patients receive professional, experienced care and counseling in an environment that is trusting and confidential. Sometimes this may not be an easy choice and we strive to provide you with safe medical treatment if you are seeking an elective abortion.
Our Practice Provides the Following:
Professional Abortion Services
All procedures are performed by a physician certified by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Your right to privacy and the confidentiality of the services we provide are assured. Decisions in regards to your reproductive rights and sexuality are yours and we support you. Married women do not need the consent of a spouse to seek an elective termination.
Counseling Services
Counseling services are available to help you make informed and important decisions based on your circumstances. Open to individuals, couples, and family members, Miramar Women’s Center provides information about abortion procedures, birth control and alternative options to termination. If circumstances find you considering terminating a pregnancy, call:
Miramar Women’s Center at 954-986-0030 to schedule a confidential appointment.
Saturday appointments are available.